[Second Panchen] Sonam Choklang (1439–1504), one of thirteen thangkas copied from Nartang xylographic designs


19th century

ground mineral pigment on cotton

dimensions vary, painted area of central thangka (Sixth Panchen) 26-7/8 × 16¼ in. (68.3 × 41.2 cm)

American Museum of Natural History, New York; cat. nos. 70.2/1216–1228

Photo Credit
Courtesy of the Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History

Full set of Portraits

1: Fourth Panchen Lobzang Chokyi Gyeltsen (1567–1662), 2: [Second Panchen] Sonam Choklang (1439–1504), 3: Yungton Dorje Pel (1284–1365) 4: Go Lotsawa Khukpa Lhetse (11th century), 5: Bhaviveka (Lekden Je, ca. 500–ca. 578), 6: Subhuti (Rabjor), 7: Sixth Panchen Lobzang Pelden Yeshe (1738–1780), 8: Manjushriyashas (Jampel Drak), 9: Abhayakaragupta (Jigme Jungne Bapa, d. 1125), 10: Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyeltsen (1182–1251), 11: [First Panchen] Khedrubje Gelek Pelzang (1385–1438), 12: [Third Panchen] Wensapa Lobzang Dondrub (1505–1566), 13: Fifth Panchen Lobzang Yeshe (1663–1737)

Square brackets indicate retroactively applied titles. Design courtesy Wen-shing Chou

Object Essay
Side-by-side depictions of robed figure amid landscape and figures in roundels: at left, black and white outline of image; at right, full color

Abounding Visions of Eminent Lives

Nartang Woodblock Prints and Their Painted Copies: Previous Lives of the Panchen Lamas Nartang printing house, Tsang region, central Tibet second quarter of 18th century (and a painted copy) Explore essay